Order from 65+ Independent Melbourne Grocers in One Delivery
At YourGrocer, our aim has always been to allow you to buy from your favourite stores with the convenience you deserve. We've created a series of features that will allow you to do just that.
Buy from any combination of shops
We've given our customers the ability to order from every one of our 65+ Melbourne stores in one delivery. That means you can order from the best independent food shops available in Melbourne and have your fruit and veg, meat, bread and groceries delivered in one delivery.
How does it work?
Just pick the store you want to order from, then add products to your cart. Everything will be delivered together by one of our friendly drivers.
The source menu

Browsing and searching for products is filtered by a source, which is done via the filter on the left side of your screen. Each source is a group of shops that fit together. It could be a market, like Queen Vic Market, or a category, like Supermarkets.
At the top of the source menu is Melbourne's Favourites. That is the favourite group of shops for customers in your area. Use it if you are looking for the biggest range and availability.
Whilst you can only see products from one source at a time, you can still order from multiple sources in one delivery. Just keep adding products and check everything out together. Simple as that!
Shop Availability
While we are joining all shops together, we still can't convince everyone to stay open 7 days a week! So keep an eye on shop availability, since that will define when you can get their products delivered.

Shops that aren't available every day will have a banner below their card that says so. Your cart will also show if you have added a product that is not available on the selected delivery time.
That's it. As with anything, we love feedback! Give it a go and let us know what you think. We will keep trying to improve the product every day.