Reducing your food waste
Food waste is a pretty hot topic and for good reason. One out of three of our shopping bags ends up in the rubbish, which equates to a third of our grocery spend. Here are a few tips to lessen your food waste;
1. Shop your cupboard
It's time for a pantry clean-out! Sort through your things, work out how you can use at least three ingredients that are hiding in your Tupperware containers this week and stick to it.
2. Meal plan
Plan for at least 3 dinners per week. Meal planning can be hard and requires organisation but once you get into this habit, you'll not only be wasting less food, you'll see your grocery spend decrease too. Ordering online makes this much easier - no more extra's at the checkout that can increase your bill.
3. Freezer meals
When the end of the week rolls around, take a look at what you have left. Cook it up and freeze it. Left over vegetables make great pies, curries, lasagnas and pasta sauces.
4. Choose multi-use ingredients
Learn how to use things in multiple ways; buy a whole chicken and break it down. The breast into schnitzels, the Maryland roasted and the rest into stock for a quick weeknight soup.
5. Store fresh produce correctly
Wrap your fresh fruit and veg into a plastic bag before placing into the crisper - they stay crisp for longer. Rinse off your herbs before wrapping in a chux cloth or paper towel - you'll get at least another week of life out of them.
Leave your favourite tips for reducing food waste in the comments!